Fire Station No. 14

fire station no. 14

Seattle, Washington


City of Seattle


235,100 sf



Seattle Fire Station 14 is a comprehensive renovation and addition to a historical landmark on a site with liquefaction-prone soils. While presenting a charming façade to the street, the building was in poor exterior condition, had undersized apparatus bays and doors, and provided inadequate firefighter comfort for sleep and recuperation.

The revitalized station includes seismic upgrades to mitigate poor soils; new interior configuration of fire fighter living spaces to provide a healthy, comfortable environment; an additional apparatus bay and renovated existing bays to accommodate new truck sizes and support needs; and a restored exterior to maintain the facilities original charm.

Bassetti’s work included studying alternative sites, program adjustments, and design concepts using various combinations of new construction and renovation to fit the Levy program budget. This is the first Seattle Fire Department project to be executed using a GC/CM contracting method. Upfront coordination with Turner Construction resulted in an eight-month construction duration.


Todd Beamer High School


St. Thomas Elementary School