Hayu alqi uyxat

hayu alqi uyxat

Portland, Oregon


Portland Public Schools


85,000 sf



The hayu alqi uyxat project, named after the Chinook phrase meaning “Many Future Paths,” is a transformative educational facility designed to serve students who thrive in alternative learning environments. This 85,000-square-foot facility brings together multiple Portland Public Schools (PPS) programs under one roof, including Alliance High School, the Portland DART (Discovering and Rising Together) School, and teen parent services with integrated childcare. These programs, which were previously scattered across various locations—often housed in the basements of existing schools—now have a purpose-built space that fully supports their unique educational models. 

The idea for this dedicated facility emerged during the master planning phase for Benson Polytechnic High School, when one stakeholder posed a simple yet powerful question: “Why not build it in the parking lot?” This moment of insight led to a significant shift in how PPS approached alternative education. The district recognized that these vital programs deserved more than leftover spaces—they needed a building designed with equity, dignity, and student success at its core. 

The hayu alqi uyxat project stands as a testament to bold thinking, innovative problem-solving, and the belief that every student deserves an environment designed for their success. 


Van Asselt School


Vancouver School of Arts and Academics (VSAA)