West Sound Technical Skills Center

west sound technical skills center

Bremerton, Washington


Bremerton School District


Phase 1 Fall 2025
Phase 2 Fall 2027

The West Sound Technical Skills Center is an educational cooperative serving students from ten school districts across the Olympic Peninsula. It provides an opportunity for students ages 16-21 to engage in Career and Technical Education (CTE) as part of the public education system leading them to apprenticeships, technical schools, or university programs. The school facility needed modernization and additions to bring the 1977 warehouse structure up to code and to support its growing programs.   

 Bassetti was brought on to the project to solve a major budget challenge which necessitated a close collaboration with Andersen Construction. We began by working with the director of the skills center to validate and adjust the program to ensure spaces are appropriately sized. Out of this effort, some CTE programs received additional square footage to allow them to function more efficiently and over 5,000 sf of circulation space was cut. Bassetti generated three compact and highly functional design solutions and by the second week of being on the job, the Skills Center had selected their preferred option. This reduction in unprogrammed space and thoughtful and efficient layout ultimately brought the project in on budget. 

The team met the initial project schedule delivering the permit set in just seven weeks. To pull this off our team worked in lockstep with Andersen Construction, the consultants, and the owner utilizing big room meetings to prioritize and focus on only what is needed for a permit set and to drive swift but informed decision making.  



Van Asselt School