Multiple Pathways to Graduation (MPG) Building

Multiple Pathways to Graduation (MPG) Building

Portland, Oregon


Portland Public Schools


88,700 sf



Portland Public Schools (PPS) includes a vast array of educational opportunities to support and educate the youth of Portland. One of those opportunities is the Multiple Pathways to Graduation (MPG). Current schools and programs under that umbrella are spread across the District in existing buildings, making due with facilities not originally envisioned for those schools. The new MPG Facility will incorporate several of their assistance and educational programs into one facility. This facility will offer a wide range of unique therapy and breakout support services for students that have struggled in the typical comprehensive high school model. Extensive stakeholder engagement allowed the District and the design team to gain invaluable information on the school programs. As this facility will continue to provide an alternative approach to large high schools and allow students the ability to choose alternative educational pathways, it was important to understand from the students, staff, and teachers how to support each student’s unique needs.


Evergreen High School